News from the Ismagilov Lab
SEPTEMBER 2024: Alex Viloria Winnett has successfully defended his thesis.
JUNE 2024: Paulina Naydenkov has been named a John Stauffer SURF Fellow.
JUNE 2024: Henry Lane has been named an Ernest H. Swift SURF Fellow.
MAY 2024: Michael Porter has successfully defended his thesis and accepted a position at Enumerix.
APRIL 2024: Alex Viloria Winnett received 2nd place ($2000 prize) in Caltech's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.
FEBRUARY 2024: Rustem Ismagilov was awarded the 2024 Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
MAY 2023: Jenny Ji was awarded the 2023 Park S. Nobel Prize for Excellence in Biology and Biological Engineering, recognizing an undergraduate student demonstrating outstanding achievements.
APRIL 2023: Alyssa Carter and Jenny Ji have each accepted positions in the PhD program at Stanford University.
APRIL 2023: Jenny Ji, Michael Anne Bolene, and Roey Lazarovits were each awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
NOVEMBER 2022: Eric Liaw has successfully defended his thesis.
AUGUST 2022: Alex Viloria Winnett has been awarded a National Institutes of Health NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship.
JULY 2022: Roey Lazarovits has been inducted into the Biotechnology Leadership Training Program. The BLP is sponsored by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at NIH (T32GM112592) with additional support provided by Caltech's Rosen Bioengineering Center.
SPRING 2022: Jenny Ji has been named a John Stafford SURF fellow and has won the George W. and Bernice E. Green Memorial Prize for outstanding undergraduate research.
OCTOBER 2021: Emily Savela has successfully defended her PhD thesis.
SEPTEMBER 2021: Mary Arrastia has successfully defended her PhD thesis. Mary has accepted a post-doctoral position at Stanford University.
AUGUST 2021: Jacob Barlow has successfully defended his PhD thesis.
MAY 2021: Mary Arrastia won the McCoy Award. The Herbert Newby McCoy Award recognizes the most outstanding achievements in research by a graduate student in Chemistry.
AUGUST 2020: Ismagilov Lab has launched a community-based study of COVID-19 transmission. Please see for details and updates on the study.
JUNE 2020: Roberta Poceviciute successfully defended her thesis. Dr Poeviciute has accepted a postdoc with Ismagilov Lab.
MAY 2020: Octavio Mondragon-Palomino has accepted a scientist position in P'ng Loke's lab at the NIAID.
MAY 2020: Erik Jue successfully defended his thesis. Dr Jue has accepted a position at ALine where he will be working with former Ismagilov Lab member Stefano Begolo.
MAY 2020: Matt Cooper has been awarded a CEMI fellowship.
MAY 2020: Sarah Simon has been inducted into the Biotechnology Leadership Training Program. The BLP is sponsored by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at NIH (T32GM112592) with additional support provided by Caltech's Rosen Bioengineering Center.
APRIL 2020: Matt Cooper has accepted his admission offer to Caltech's graduate program. He will begin his PhD program in the fall.
APRIL 2020: Hazel Dilmore has accepted her admission offer to UC San Diego's graduate program.
DECEMBER 2019: Dmitriy Zhukov successfully defended his thesis. Dr Zhukov has accepted a position at Chromologic.
SEPTEMBER 2019: Said Bogatyrev successfully defended his thesis. Dr Bogatyrev has accepted a postdoc with Ismagilov Lab.
AUGUST 2019: Nathan Schoepp was awarded the Baxter Young Investigator Award, which is given for outstanding research work that aligns with Baxter's mission of saving and sustaining patients' lives.
JUNE 2019: Tahmineh Khazaei won the Reddy Award, which is given to the graduating female Ph.D. candidate in the Division of Biology & Biological Engineering who has produced the outstanding thesis in the biological sciences for the past year.
JUNE 2019: Asher Preska Steinberg won the McCoy Award. The Herbert Newby McCoy Award recognizes the most outstanding achievements in research by a graduate student in Chemistry.
MAY 2019: Tahmineh Khazaei, Nathan Schoepp and Justin Rolando successfully defended their theses (all three in the same week!)
MAY 2019: Nathan Schoepp was awarded New England Biolabs' Passion in Science Award. This award recognizes those within the scientific community working to solve many of today's challenges: the "unsung heroes" of the laboratory, who are dedicated to their cause. Listen to the NEB interview with Nathan here!
APRIL 2019: Asher Preska Steinberg successfully defended his thesis. Asher has accepted a postdoctoral position at NYU (Kussell Lab).
SEPTEMBER 2018: Asher Preska Steinberg was chosen as the first Caldwell CEMI Graduate Fellow, which is awarded to graduate students doing exciting interdisciplinary research that has the potential to benefit society.
SEPTEMBER 2018: Graduate students Tahmineh Khazaei and Asher Preska Steinberg were each awarded CEMI grants for their proposed research projects.
AUGUST 2018: Our proposal on IBD research won the Kenneth Rainin Innovator Award.
JULY 2018: Grad student Jacob Barlow was invited to join the Biotechnology Leadership Training Program. The BLP is sponsored by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at NIH (T32GM112592) with additional support provided by Caltech's Rosen Bioengineering Center.
MAY 2018: Ismagilov Lab has been awarded a grant by CARB-X (Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria) to develop a rapid, phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility test (AST) for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is high on the WHO's Priority Bacterial Pathogens list. This CARB-X project will build upon the digital AST (dAST) that was invented in Ismagilov Lab (see Schoepp et al. 2017 and Schoepp et al. 2016). The dAST uses ultrasensitive detection of changes in nucleic acids to determine whether a pathogen is susceptible to a particular antibiotic. Current lab members who have contributed to this work or will be contributing to this work include (in alphabetical order): Jacob Barlow, Matthew Curtis, Erik Jue, Tahmineh Khazaei, Eugenia Khorosheva, Eric Liaw, Emily Savela, and Nathan Schoepp. JOIN US! We are seeking additional talented students and postdocs to join this project. Please see our POSITIONS page.
NOVEMBER 2017: Grad student Nathan Schoepp and recent graduate Travis Schlappi won the Silver at the Collegiate Inventors Competition.
OCTOBER 2017: Postdoc Daan Witters and grad student Erik Jue won the Hochuen Portable Microfluidic Award at microTAS 2017.
AUGUST 2017: Grad student Travis Schlappi successfully defended his PhD thesis and accepted a position as an assistant professor in the School of Applied Life Sciences at Keck Graduate Institute.
MAY 2017: Post-doc Octavio Mondragon-Palomino was awarded a Burroughs Wellcome Fund CASI (Career Awards at the Science Interface).
MARCH 2017: Grad students Mary Arrastia and Lealia Xiong received NSF fellowships.
FEBRUARY 2017: Grad student Travis Schlappi won the Diagnostics World Early Innovator award for his presentation on the digital antibiotic-susceptibility test (dAST) being developed in the lab.
FEBRUARY 2017: Post-doc Sujit Datta accepted a tenure-track faculty position at Princeton University.